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Social Worker Test
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Social Worker Test

Social worker test is the ideal pre-hire test for recruiters and hiring managers to assess candidates objectively. This test is useful for hiring Social Workers, and our customers have reported an 80% reduction in candidates' screening time after using this online social worker test.

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The United Nations
The United Nations

Social Worker Assessment Test

Social work is a profession concerned with helping individuals, families, groups, and communities to enhance their individual and collective well-being. It aims to help people develop their skills and ability to use their resources and those of the community to resolve problems. Social work concerns individual and personal problems and broader social issues such as poverty, unemployment, and domestic violence.

Social workers work in a variety of settings:

  • Family services agencies
  • Children’s aid agencies
  • General and psychiatric hospitals
  • School boards
  • Correctional institutions
  • Welfare administration agencies
  • Federal and provincial departments

An increasing number of social workers work in private practice. Social workers provide services as members of a multidisciplinary team or on a one-to-one basis with the client. The duties performed by social workers vary depending on the settings in which they work. Social workers employed by child welfare agencies (public and private) investigate cases of family violence, child abuse, and neglect and take protective action as required.

They may recruit foster parents or supervise the placement of children in protective care. Others work on adoption cases. Many school boards hire social workers to help students adjust to the school environment. They help students, parents, and teachers to deal with problems such as aggressive behavior, truancy, and family problems, which affect the students’ performance. In general, psychiatric hospitals and social workers are members of the treatment team.

They provide a link between the team and the family and with community resources. In these settings, they contribute to the care, treatment, and rehabilitation of the aged and of physically or mentally ill individuals, as well as the care of disabled persons. In health and community services centers, social workers are involved in counseling individuals or families and in providing services to seniors. Some work as community developers helping citizens identify their needs and proposing ways of meeting them. Others may assist with parent-child relationships and marriage counseling.

The services may be offered on an individual basis or in groups. In the correctional field, social workers may be part of a team concerned with the social rehabilitation of young or adult offenders. They may work as classification officers. Others work as probation officers or as parole officers. Parole officers help ex-prisoners adjust to life in the community while conforming to the conditions of their parole.

Social workers in private practice offer their services fee-for-service to individuals, families, and organizations. Their services include counseling, psychotherapy, meditation, sex therapy, policy and program development, organizational development, and employee assistance programs. Social workers involved in policy analysis, development, and planning usually work in federal and provincial departments or social planning councils. Researchers are found in universities and governments. Others are teaching in universities and community colleges.

Key Skills:

  • Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing- Verbal Ability, Verbal Reasoning, MS Word, Excel
  • Critical Thinking- Logical Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning
  • Problem Solving and Analytical Skills- Quantitative Aptitude, Abstract Reasoning
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Test Summary

The test enables employers to identify by evaluating their working skills and job readiness. For this reason, an emphasis is laid upon evaluating the knowledge of applied skills gained through real work experience rather than theoretical knowledge.
The online social worker test may contain MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQs (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blank, Descriptive, Whiteboard Questions, Audio / Video Questions, and True or False.

This test enables employers and recruiters to evaluate candidates' skills and job readiness. The combination of application and theory questions helps evaluate candidates' practical skills.

Useful for hiring
  • Social Worker
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Topics Covered

Active Listening

Our social worker test helps to assess a candidate’s ability to listen attentively to a speaker, understand what they’re saying, respond and on what's being said

Behavioral Skills

This assessment checks a candidate’s behavioral etiquette which helps in effective interactions

Communication Skills

Our social worker online test helps to evaluate candidate’s ability to communicate effectively



Sample Question
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Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered
Handling a critical situation


John works as a software developer, and he is currently working on a tight schedule, which leaves him very little time for personal pursuits. He often stayed back late last month to finish an important project. 

His project manager, Sam, has sent an email requesting the entire team to be present for a meeting on the upcoming weekend. However, John has made personal plans and does not wish to attend the meeting.

How should John deal with this situation?


  • Consult his manager and make further decisions based on the suggestion of the manager.
  • Write an email to the manager explaining his challenges and why he cannot come over the weekend.
  • Explain his problem to his colleague and request him to attend the meeting on his behalf.
  • Postpone his weekend plans.
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
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