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Microsoft SQL Server DBA Test - 2012
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Microsoft SQL Server DBA Test - 2012

SQL Server DBA online test is the most preferred pre-hire test for recruiters and hiring managers to assess SQL skills of candidates before the interview. Our test is useful for hiring SQL Server Database Administrator/ SQL DBA, SQL Server DBA Consultant, and SQL Server DBA Specialist and reduces hiring time by 45% & increases the interview-to-selection ratio by 62%.

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Microsoft SQL Server DBA Online Test - 2012

Microsoft SQL Server is an RDBMS developed by Microsoft. SQL Server DBA is mainly responsible for the administration, installation, and maintenance of SQL Server Database. Database administrators look into the security and performance of the data.

SQL Server DBA online test helps tech recruiters & hiring managers quantify a candidate’s SQL Server administration skills before the interview. SQL DBA online test is designed by experienced subject matter experts (SME) to evaluate and hire SQL Server DBA as per the industry standards.

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Test Summary

SQL Server DBA assessment helps to screen the candidates who possess traits as follows:

  • Fundamental knowledge of SQL Server
  • Expertise in SQL Server database security and troubleshooting
  • Ability to configure and maintain database servers & processes
  • Proficiency in backup & recovery
  • Ability to install & configure new SQL servers

With role-based access control, you can now maintain security within your account by providing access to each user based on their established role. Features like window violation and webcam proctoring help detect cheating during the test.

This test may contain MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQs (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blanks, Whiteboard Questions, Audio / Video Questions, AI-LogicBox (Pseudo-Coding Platform), Coding Simulators, True or False Questions, etc.  

Useful for hiring
  • SQL Server Database Administrator/ SQL DBA
  • SQL Server DBA Consultant
  • SQL Server DBA Specialist
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Topics Covered

Concepts – Auditing

iMocha’s SQL DBA online test reduces candidate’s ability to audit the SQL server which monitors a group of actions

Transact-SQL statement

This test evaluates candidate’s understanding about T-SQL which is mainly used for writing entire program of block function procedure

Transact Log Management

Our test evaluates candidate’s understanding about Transact Log which is used to maintain a sequential record of all changes made to the database

Stored procedure

This test gauges candidate’s understanding about stored procedure where a block of code can be reused repeatedly


Our test assesses applicant’s knowledge about SQL secure permissions which can provide and revoke access to securable


This test assesses a candidate’s ability to configure Microsoft SQL server
Sample Question
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Question type
Multiple Answer
Topics covered
Stored Procedure


You manage a Microsoft SQL Server 2012 database. The database has a table named Customers owned by User A and another table named Orders owned by User B. You also have a stored procedure named GetCustomerOrderInfo owned by User B. GetCustomerOrderInfo selects data from both tables. You create a new user named User C. You need to ensure that User C can call the GetCustomerOrderInfo stored procedure. You also need to assign only the minimum required permissions to User C. Which permission or permissions should you assign to User C?

Note: There can be multiple correct answers to this question.


  • The Select permission on Customers
  • The Execute permission on GetCustomerOrderInfo
  • The Take Ownership permission on Customers
  • The Control permission on GetCustomerOrderInfo
  • The Take Ownership permission on Orders
  • The Select permission on Orders
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