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Tableau Assessment Test
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Tableau Assessment Test

Our Tableau skills assessment test helps recruiters and hiring managers to evaluate candidates for the role of Tableau developer. It contains questions on Tableau Marks, Geographical Data, Data Merging, Tableau Extracts, and more. Customers of iMocha have claimed that Tableau test has helped them reduce technical screening time by 80%.

A group of colorful crosses and tableau written in blue
The United Nations
The United Nations

Tableau Assessment Test

Tableau is one of the Business Intelligence tools that help in analyzing the data. It can connect to files and Big Data sources to process data. Tableau online test helps recruiters and hiring managers assess candidates' business intelligence skills before an interview.

Two important use cases for Tableau skill test

#1 Identifying job-fit candidates based on job roles

iMocha helps you create customized skill assessments for any given job role. Using this feature, you can choose questions from different skill types, including functional, technical, and soft skills. For example, with our customized Tableau assessments, you can evaluate candidates’ proficiency in structured query language, analytical skills, knowledge of MicroStrategy and Data Architecture, and communication skills and even assess the best individuals for the job.

#2 Skill-gap analysis of your employees

You can measure employees' skill competency through Tableau training assessments. It determines the existing skill level and identifies the areas for growth. It also measures the knowledge and impact of training and traces individual employees’ progress. For example, you can use our Tableau training assessments to identify a consultant’s knowledge about data merging, Geographical Data, Tableau Extracts, and other skills and perform skill gap analysis.

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How it works

Test Summary

Why use iMocha’s Tableau online test?
This Tableau online test helps organisations in various ways, including recruiting job-fit candidates quickly, making fair employee performance evaluation judgments, and reducing the hassle of mass recruitment. You can save up to 40% on recruiting costs.

Test Creation Process

Our Tableau online test is created and validated by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to assess and hire Tableau developers as per industry standards. For Example, questions based on Tableau Drill, Tableau Marks, Data Merging and Tableau Aggression will only be created by Tableau specialists.

You can pick the questions you like or request us to create more questions if required.

Useful for hiring
  • Tableau Developer
  • Tableau Analyst
  • Tableau Administrator
  • Tableau Consultant
  • Tableau Data Engineer
  • Tableau Data Scientist
  • Tableau Project Manager
Test Duration
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Level of Expertise
Topics Covered

Tableau Marks

This test helps recruiters assess candidates' ability to use marks card, which is a key element for visual analysis in Tableau.

Geographical Data

This assessment helps recruiters to check candidates' knowledge of plotting data on map.

Data Merging

Our Tableau test checks candidates' knowledge of using data merging to combine two or more tables by appending values from one table to another.

Tableau Extracts

This skill test allows recruiters to check candidates' proficiency in using Tableau extracts to extract data sources on the web to improve data source performance.

Tableau Filters

This test helps recruiters to quantify candidates' ability to use various types of filters in Tableau.

Tableau Actions

Our test empowers recruiters to evaluate a candidate’s ability to add context and interactivity to data using actions.
Sample Question
Choose from our 100,000+ questions library or add your own questions to make powerful custom tests.
Question type
Multiple Answer
Topics covered


What are the limitations of context filters?

Note: There can be multiple correct answers to this question.


  • Tableau takes time to place a filter in context.
  • When a filter is set as context one, the software creates a temporary table for that particular context filter.
  • This table will reload each time and consists of all values that are not filtered by either Context or Custom SQL filter.
  • None of the above
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
You can customize this test by

Setting the difficulty level of the test

Choose easy, medium, or tricky questions from our skill libraries to assess candidates of different experience levels.

Combining multiple skills into one test

Add multiple skills in a single test to create an effective assessment and assess multiple skills together.

Adding your own
questions to the test

Add, edit, or bulk upload your coding, MCQ, and whiteboard questions.

Requesting a tailor-made test

Receive a tailored assessment created by our subject matter experts to ensure adequate screening.
Related Skills
How is Tableau assessment test customized?
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Our SMEs can customize the assessment depending on the required primary and secondary skills, such as Alteryx skill test, DataMerging, Tableau drill, and more. Similarly, questions can be customized to applicants’ difficulty level and experience.

What are the certifications required for this role?
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Some popular Tableau certifications are:

• Certifiably Tableau is Extending

• Tableau Certified Data Analyst

• Tableau Desktop Certified Professional Certification

• Server Certified Associate Certification

What are the most common interview questions for this role?
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Some of the common questions asked for this role are:

• What are the limitations of context filters?

• Sorting dimensions in a computed manner follows which of these rules?

• The assumptions required to compute (using Ordinary Least Squares) each individual trend line

• There are three customer segments in the Superstore Dataset. What percent of the total profits are associated with the corporate segment?

• What are the different Joins in Tableau?

What are roles and responsibilities of Tableau Developer?
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A Tableau Developer works with businesses to create and manage projects by leveraging the Tableau platform. They provide software management and data visualization support to help enterprises understand and execute their projects better. Tableau Developers are required to perform the following tasks and responsibilities:

• Understanding business objectives and developing solutions to meet data needs.

• Collaborate with IT teams and business experts to develop data-driven policy.

• Create, develop, and update Tableau dashboards and analytics.

• Data collection, refinement, and preparation for analytics and visualization.

• Manage and use the Tableau platform to gain useful information.

• Create reports by utilizing multiple visualization and data modelling techniques.

• Define new KPIs and measure them consistently in datasets.

• Data collection and normalization from several data sources.

• Dashboards and reports should be tested, published, and refreshed on a regular basis.

What are the required skillsets of Tableau Developer?
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You can consider these technical and soft skills while hiring Tableau Developers:

Technical Skills:

• Data Visualization

• Data Analysis

• Business Intelligence processes of Organization

• Analytical Skills

• Data Blending

Soft Skills:

• Communication Skills

• Team-building Skills

• Problem Solving Skills

Your Guide to Successful Tableau Developer Hiring in 2023.

What is the package of Tableau Developer?
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In the United States, the average Tableau developer's salary is $177,450 per year. Starting salaries for entry-level employment start at $58,300 per year.