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Twitter Marketing Test
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Twitter Marketing Test

iMocha's Twitter IQ Test enables recruiters and hiring managers to objectively assess candidates' Twitter marketing understanding before an interview. The Twitter marketing IQ assessment test is useful for hiring Twitter marketers, social media executives, and social media associates. Our test has helped many organizations to reduce hiring costs by 40% and increase the interview-to-selection ratio by 62%

Twitter logo, the blue bird icon representing the popular social media platform
The United Nations
The United Nations

Twitter Marketing IQ Assessment Test

Twitter IQ Test helps Recruiters and Hiring Managers to evaluate the applicant's skills required to run marketing campaigns on Twitter. Twitter is best described as a micro-blog where you can post short messages, thoughts, or updates. Twitter Marketing is used to promote your product and increase the reach of your business by connecting with new and existing customers.

Twitter marketing IQ assessment test contains meaningful questions on Twitter rules and regulations, advertising policies on Twitter, keyboard shortcuts and abbreviations of words, Secured tweets, and much more.

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How it works

Test Summary

Twitter IQ skills test enables employers and recruiters to evaluate the skills and job readiness of candidates. For this reason, the emphasis is laid upon evaluating the knowledge of applied skills gained through real work experience. Twitter IQ online test is designed by our subject matter experts (SMEs) to analyze in-depth knowledge of Twitter marketers and Twitter consultants. Using powerful reporting, you can have a detailed analysis of the test results to help you make a better hiring decision and predict the candidate's performance.

The Twitter Marketing test may contain MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQs (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blanks, Descriptive, Whiteboard Questions, Audio/Video Questions, AI-LogicBox (Pseudo-Coding Platform), Coding Simulations, True or False Questions, etc.

Useful for hiring
  • Twitter Marketer
  • Social media executive
  • Social media associate
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Topics Covered

Twitter rules and regulations

Our test assesses candidate’s understanding about twitter’s policies to run a twitter handle without getting it banned by twitter’s rules and regulations

Secured tweets

This Twitter IQ Test helps in assessment of candidate’s knowledge about protected tweets which secures tweets by everyone to read

Keyboard shortcuts and abbreviations of words

Twitter IQ skills test assesses candidate’s ability to use keyboard shortcuts for twitter and abbreviations used in social media to get better understanding about widely used internet abbreviations

Advertising policies on twitter

This Twitter IQ online Test helps recruiters and hiring managers to evaluate candidate’s understanding about Twitter ads policies which prohibits promoting illegal products or services on their platform


Sample Question
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Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered
Promotion on Twitter


Q 1. Miss. Shirley, who is an author, wants to promote her book on Twitter by you. What are the necessary steps would you take to promote her book on Twitter as the best?

You will work on the target base followers.
You will get help from other social media.
You will promote with a free e-book of 10 pages as a short description book.
You will focus on engagement with the top content.
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
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