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What is remote hiring and why has the demand been increasing?

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Remote working is on the rise across the world and so is remote hiring. It involves sourcing, screening, interviewing, and hiring remote employees from different locations using technology.

Many global organizations are adjusting the key elements of the hiring process, updating HR policies, and investing in relevant technologies to implement successful remote hiring processes in the wake of the global crisis.

However, the numbers of remote employees across the US and Europe were already increasing. As per the US Census Bureau, in 2017, 5.2 percent of the population in the US worked from home. Furthermore, as per the recent survey by SIEPR, 42 percent of US employees were working from home in 2020. This implies that WFH is essential to support businesses and prepare for the post-pandemic situation while fighting against Covid-19.

The stigma attached to remote hiring before Covid-19 seems to have vanished. As a result of which, recruiting remotely has become the new normal. Almost every organization is developing plans to hire more remote workers, even post-pandemic, as the advantage of having an agile workforce has more benefits.

Legal considerations for remote hiring:

Recruiting a remote workforce has many benefits for an organization; the most important is saving on overhead expenses. But remote hiring also comes with its own set of laws and regulations that employers should consider.

Privacy and security:

While working from home, your employees will have access to confidential data, which includes financial, password, proprietary information, other employee details and compensation, and confidential communications between employees and customers. During day-to-day activities, this information is exchanged and can lead to unwanted vulnerability. Ensure employees' files and equipment are secure, devices are password protected and changed regularly, employees are using safe wireless connections from an authorized vendor, and they are aware of the company policies regarding confidential and proprietary information security.


Companies with remote employees in multiple states and countries need to ensure they are paying their remote employees in accordance with laws in those regions. Decide what needs to be done to comply with each state’s regulations. Assign these tasks to someone from your company to check state and local laws when it comes to minimum wage requirements, permissible payroll deductions, the information that must appear on paystubs, payday frequency requirements, etc.


When it comes to legally mandated training, related anti-discrimination provisions, and laws prohibiting sexual harassment, employers should not forget remote employees. Provide this information by sending emails or writing it down in an employee handbook. Furthermore, ensure that the provisions are applied to remote employees as well.

Hiring laws:

Just like in-person recruitment, the remote hiring process must comply with all EEOC guidelines and treat remote workers the same when it comes to the terms and conditions of employment. You can’t reject an applicant based on race, gender, sexuality, religion, age, disability, marital status, or any other protected identity category. They should also receive the same opportunities for upskilling, training, mentoring, and career growth as other employees to eliminate discrimination.

Importance or need of remote hiring:

We are witnessing a flexible workplace revolution. As per Inc, most of the remote working respondents are planning to continue remote working for the rest of their careers. The perks are absolutely clear for employees, such as no daily commute, flexible work schedule, freedom from the desk, etc. But it isn’t just employees who attain the benefits, employers are also considering remote hiring as an important part of recruitment, attracting diverse talent, retaining top talent, gaining competitive advantage, and even saving on operational costs. Also, explore the top 20 online hiring software to use in your recruitment process. Let’s take a look at the benefits of remote hiring:

Benefits of remote hiring:

Increases productivity:

Every organization that is working remotely and plans to continue remote working post-pandemic has realized that employees that are working remotely are more productive than employees working in offices.

1. They do not get distracted by co-workers or bombarded with continuous meeting requests. They are able to focus on their work without disturbance resulting in increased productivity.

2. Not every employee remains productive during official office work hours. Remote working allows them to work as per their own schedule and boosts productivity.

3. It helps them balance their personal and professional life. In their own comfort zone, their mental and physical well-being improves, and they work efficiently.

Wide talent pool:

When you hire employees from a defined region, you get a limited number of qualified candidates. Through remote hiring, you get access to a wider and more diverse talent pool from around the globe and from various time zones. With different locations, time zones, and a diverse workforce, your team can cater to different business regions seamlessly.

1. You do not have to insist on overtime even for an important deal. Your remote employee from another region can continue working.

2. Today’s generation prefers flexibility in their workplace. In order to attract millennials and Gen Z’s highly skilled talent, remote hiring is an added advantage.

Reduces business costs:

If you are emphasizing remote hiring, you help your organization cut down on the cost associated with office expenses like rent, workspace maintenance, utilities, electricity consumption, stationary, food, and beverages.

1. Remote hiring helps you deal with inflexible long-term lease and inefficient space utilization.

2. Remote working reduces and stabilizes expenditure.

3. Other day-to-day expenses, such as facility maintenance, food benefits, etc. are also saved.

Increases employee retention:

One of the biggest challenges that every organization faces is employee retention. Many companies cannot compete when it comes to providing benefits, freedom, and flexibility. So, it's important to have an employee retention policy in place.

1. Remote hiring includes plenty of directions and sets clear expectations with employees

2. Remote working as well as hiring maintains clear communication, and it eliminates the need for micromanagement