
A perfect recruiting assessment tool to hire job-fit candidate

Try iMocha's talent assessment tool with 3000+ skills tests, enterprise ready platform & more!

Understand how our online assessment tool can help your organization with candidate assessment & selection. Get on a demo to know:

  • How to shortlist qualified candidates with 3000+ remote assessments
  • How to build future-ready workforce with our 66+ online proctored assessments on Next-Gen skills
  • How to make data-driven hiring decisions
  • How to identify & map right person to the right job
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Trusted by Fortune 500 companies
and global enterprises
Why 1,000+ customers use our talent assessment tool
Job Simulation

3000+ Recruitment Assessments

World’s largest inventory of ready to use skills assessments. The valid & reliable online recruiting assessment tool, designed by global subject matter experts (SMEs).

Ques Types

10+ Questions Type

Assess candidate’s skills using various types of questions. The talent assessment tool contains MCQ’s (Multiple Choice Questions), Fill in the blank, Descriptive, Whiteboard questions, Audio/Video questions, One-way video interview questions.

Enterprise Ready

The Enterprise-ready skills assessment tool

Our enterprise-ready platform meet the needs and interests of enterprises. The assessment platform help you evaluate necessary tech skills required for job roles and get the job-fit candidate for your organization.


Assessment Customization

The talent assessment tool enables you to customize the skills test as per your requirement. You can add or remove the questions any skill sets & questions according to the job roles.


24*7 Support

Get custom-built assessments, specially created to suit your recruitment needs. Our team of experts is ready to create tests for every job-role & experience.


Advanced Cheating Prevention

Audio and video remote proctoring ensure that you can conduct recruitment assessments anytime, anywhere without any hassles. The online assessment tool also provides window violation and randomization of questions as well as answers


Indepth Performance Report

The candidate assessment tool empowers employer with in-depth and powerful reports with candidate ranking, score, percentile analysis, and easy to ready summary of candidate’s overall test performance.


1-Click Integration with ATS

Using our hiring assessment tools within your home-grown system is super easy. Collaborate with your favorite applicant tracking system with our 1-Click integration or use custom APIs.


Excellent Candidate Experience

Enhance candidate experience through seamless platform, easy navigation, clear instructions and neatly divided sections. Use our candidate feedback module to ensure that the candidates are getting excellent experience.

Ready to take your hiring to next level?

Book a demo
Our hiring assessment tool offers
A diagram showing the intersection of the Data science, AI-ML with Tools and platforms
How our candidate assessment tool helps you in digital transformation 2.0?
Adapting to the digital transformation is inevitable. Companies of all sizes and are experimenting with digital business transformation. To drive this change, your skilled employee is the key. Recruiting the right talent for digital 2.0 skills is a biggest challenge for hiring managers.

The toughest question is whom to hire? – An AI engineer, data scientist or a statistician?To ease this hiring pain of yours, iMocha, with 100+ next gen skills assessment & digital transformation ready candidate assessment tools is all set to help you in building your talented workforce - better & faster!
Hear from our customer

Increase in Quality Candidates


Interview Time Saved


Turnaround Time Reduced

Mobile Programming

Relevant Candidates Shortlisted for Interviews


Increase in Quality of Hire

How can iMocha’s proactive assessment experts help you?

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Frequently Asked Questions
What are recruitment assessment tools?
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Recruitment assessment tools/Talent assessment tools enable recruiters or hiring managers identify the right candidates. Every organization relies on online assessment tools and evaluate applicant’s personality traits, skills, competencies, knowledge, and job readiness to hire the best talent.

These tools predict a new hire’s future job performance; a candidate who passes the assessment tend to perform better an employee if hired.

These online interview tools help employers to:

  • Save time and cost
  • Quickly hire the best candidates
  • Eliminate employee turnover
  • Eliminate biases
  • Evaluate current and future employees remotely
  • Assess different profiles on a vast range of technologies
Why use iMocha as your recruitment assessment tool?
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iMocha is one of the most preferred assessment tools for recruitment in 80+ countries. The talent evaluation tool provides the largest inventory of ready to use skill assessments, designed and validated by global subject matter experts. The skill assessments are updated regularly and 2 new tests are launched every week. To make the hiring process absolute and effortless the emphasis is on providing below perks to our customers such as:

  • 2500+ hiring assessments
  • 100+ digital transformation skills assessments
  • Detailed analysis of candidate’s job skills and knowledge
  • Fastest custom tests
  • Strong support
  • EEOC compliant recruitment assessments
  • Remote testing
  • Employer branding
  • 200+ language support
  • Advanced cheating prevention
  • Easy integration with home grown system
  • User-based access control

As a team, iMocha understands the objectives of its customers to endeavor them to get their next best hires in a timely and cost-effective way.

what are the different types of recruitment assessment?
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Various types of recruitment assessment have changed the way recruitment is being conducted worldwide. The conventional hiring processes were relied on telephonic and face to face interview rounds to identify the best candidates. However, these methods increase the attrition rate and numbers of bad hires. So, to avoid the bad hires and increased attrition rate, every organization is trying to find a suitable way. And due to the development in HR technology human resource is utilizing different types of recruitment assessment to hire the right people for their organizations.

Types of recruitment assessment:

  • Skill Tests
  • Cognitive Tests
  • Personality Tests
  • Integrity Tests
  • Emotional intelligence tests
  • Background Checks
  • Drug Tests
  • Language Tests
  • Physical Ability tests
  • Job Sample Tests
What are the benefits of the online recruitment assessment tool?
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Online recruitment assessment tools are often used by organizations to assess job applicant’s skills, competencies, and knowledge.

Using a skill assessment test helps companies to ensure that their job candidates, as well as their current employees, have the required skills to successfully perform their jobs.

Benefits of online recruitment assessment tool:

  • They are far more accurate than conventional hiring processes
  • Using a recruitment assessment tool is one the best ways to identify whether a candidate is right fit for the job position
  • Enables interviewers to predict future performance
  • Help to determine the cultural fit candidate effectively
  • They give the opportunity to assess and differentiate between similar applicants
  • Recruitment assessment tools help employers build an employer brand. Applicants who appear for the assessment which genuinely reflect the job and the organization are often impressed by that company, even if they are rejected
  • Talent assessment tool can also be used to handle high volume hiring specially university recruitment. When you have a large number of applicants, using a recruitment assessment test as a pre-screening method can help you differentiate the top candidates early in the hiring process
  • The cost of an online recruitment assessment is usually cheaper compared with the potential cost of many recruitment phases and the cost of recruitment errors

To know how iMocha's talent assessment tool enables you to assess candidate skills objectively and precisely

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